Last night there were illegal parties in De Meinweg nature park near Roermond and in the Hoge Bergse Bos in South Holland. Both parties were too big to intervene, according to the police. No fines have been issued.
Agents in Roermond received a report around 3 a.m. of a large party in an old tunnel in De Meinweg nature park, near Herkenbosch. There they found about 400 partying young people.
“The officers said the music had to stop and everyone had to leave by 6:00 am,” a police spokesman said. Intervening was a hopeless task, according to the police. “Then we should have deployed the ME.”
When the officers returned at 6 a.m., the music had stopped, the partygoers had gone home and the area around the tunnel had been cleared.
Also in South Holland, agents did not intervene at a large party in the Hoge Bergse Bos. Local residents had called the police because of the noise from the party that attracted more than a thousand young people. It was so busy that there were long traffic jams on the roads to the forest and the parking lots. Because the evening, according to the police, went without disturbances, the party went on well into the night.
“Intervention can lead to escalation and there are simply not as many officers on the night shift as during the day,” a spokesperson told the regional broadcaster. Rhine estuary.