Hey guys! 🙂 I am 13 years old and have now got my first cell phone.
I actually only have a few apps (apart from the preset apps): WhatsApp, the app from my school, Audible, and Quizlet (a learning app).
My best friend really wants me to get Snapchat. But I don’t feel so comfortable with it:
First, I don’t really see the point in it, second, I’ve heard negative things (but haven’t understood what exactly is negative) and it’s also my first cell phone. So I don’t know if this is such a good idea. I just want to be careful.
So can this be somehow bad or dangerous for me? I’m not really interested in the app, but if it doesn’t do any harm, I would still get it, because then I would have more contact with Lena and I already totally miss it (it is not only my best, but actually pretty much mine as well only girlfriend). What would you advise me?
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