look for another apartment or housethat may affect you.We will keep in touch.>> we talk about the laws ofweekend time. theSaturday be hot for topicssimilar to the ones we hadduring the day of today. changesin the temperatures by the stepof a cold front. let’s go todetails. Saturday, hot.Sunday will be hot butin the hours of the night we will continuea bit with breeze and aircool. the temperature is indecline. speaking on Saturday,temperatures in the 93 in greatpart of the region. There is notmoisture in the atmosphere,it felt a little warm-hearted.some people spendhundred. Caution with workin the open. great carewhen doing activities outsideFrom home. Sunday is a dayof transition that we have thestep from a cold front. thisfront will bring rain and furthera marked decline in terms ofthe temperatures. when i couldget to the region? Saturdayit is expected to be very quiet.Sunday at o’clock hourslate, and the rain will formyou come from the city. considerif you are going to do activitiesout of home. carry yourumbrella. after this let’s seewhat happens with thetemperature. 93 for Saturdayand 91 for.on Monday,fixed temperatures at this timeof the year. 80 for Monday and 78for Tuesday. extended tolong the. Saturday and Sundayhot temperatures. theSunday will have activity ofrains. after that, air morefresh dominates the region. could