Possibly. I am not a ‘wappie’ myself, but I choose to get the vaccine myself not yet to take. This does not mean that I would not do this in the future. For me this depends on the following:
a) I can no longer do anything without having to go to the test street (with possible personal contribution in the future) to participate in ”society”;
b) There will be such a dangerous variant with consequential damage.
Just to be clear: I had Corona (July 15 this year tested positive). I lost my sense of smell and taste on this, which is now coming back and worked nicely from home. I have not had any other complaints.
Since the start of the pandemic, I have been looking at my age group (29 years) via the Corona Dashboard. The consequences for this group are pretty nil. Why there are suddenly so many recordings in this age group, compared to the first lockdown, I still don’t fully understand. I can’t do anything with it either because the RIVM does not provide all the figures to properly display all statistics.
Of course I kept in mind that I might unconsciously have ”underlying suffering” and end up in the ICU or in a coffin. However, the chance seemed pretty slim to me. I stand by it: I don’t think the measures outweigh the risk. This is my opinion and everyone can find something different.
For example, the RIVM states that 0.8% of the total mortality is in the age group 0-49 years. This is 59.1% of the Dutch population. Previously, the death rates were presented more extensively 0-4, 5-9, 10-14 etc. This has all been combined to 0-49 years. There is a nice asterisk next to “The value is larger than shown in the graph”. That’s nice, but statistically doesn’t say anything at all.
In total 17,927 people have died from Corona, until now (from what they know ^^). These are 144 deaths up to the age of 49 (rounded up). Let’s say it is higher, as the asterisk indicates, could it be 100% wrong? Let’s say 288 dead, double that.
We are closing the whole country because vaccination rates, especially among young people, are lower. Despite this, there are relatively few deaths up to the age of 49, with most probably having underlying suffering. For example, festivals are limited to one day with a maximum of 750 visitors, where mainly people under 50 (or even younger) go. And where money plays a role, such as football and Formula 1, tens of thousands of people are admitted. I like that it’s all possible.