5:00 in the morning.vehicles and pay parking meter.Elán: Thank you very much.I tell you that thereturn to face-to-face classes anda New York parents nodo you know if there is a plan toto distributethe classrooms orneither will they be theprotocols that will guaranteethe health ofstudentsagainst the coronavirus. Isabelperaltawho is with alldetails.Isabel: very good days.I tell you thatless thanfour weeks to knowrebootclasses in the big apple,authorities noThey have given an explanation of howdistributedstudents in classrooms. theparents and educatorsthey have expressed frustrationbecause there is no clear protocolHow will this be done?Returnin a safe way. the Unionthatrepresents the teachersensures that those of 200 schoolsof the city are aboveof their ability and believe thatthey will have difficultiesto keep the childrenapart. mayor billde blasio stated on Thursdaythat vaccines are thecentral point of the plan and thatthe vaccinated children that isexposed to coronavirus inthey will have to get inquarantine as long as notshow intomas. Neverthelessthe mayor did not offerinformation aboutlearning optionsremote for the children that ipresent intomasor for those who are vaccinated.eitherbroke down a plan for the kidswho cannot receive avaccine, sincehas not yet been authorized tounder 12 years old. what ireportedthe mayor is that there was nolearning options todistance. classes startthe 13of September. continues thevaccination, but notrequired. says 56% ofthe childrenNew Yorkers ages 12 to 17years have receivedat leastone dose of the vaccine.seún de blasio, to the 80,000New Yorkers have received theirfirst vaccine in exchange for$ 100 gift from thetown. thisrepresents 8 milliondelivered directly topersonswho received their immunizationin managed clinicsby the city. it also says thatthis incentive of the followingfromolars I have made a greatwhat people followasking, teachers andeducators, isWhat will this reboot look like?lessonswhen the delta variant iscausing increases between themcontagions hospitalizations for