TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Preliminary data on vaccination in December 2020 show that many women experience Covid-19 vaccine side effects worse than men. According to page Observer Research Foundation, the side effects caused by the Pfizer vaccine were felt by 21 people and 19 of them were women.
Pada Februari, Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) mempublikasi data tentang efek samping Covid-19. Sebanyak 61 persen dosis vaksin diterima wanita dan 72 persen efek samping yang dilaporkan ke agensi berasal dari wanita.
Ketimpangan yang terjadi antara jumlah wanita dan pria yang mengalami efek samping vaksin bukan merupakan hal baru. CDC menerima laporan studi tahun 2019 yang membahas mengenai efek samping vaksin dari 1990 hingga 2016 menemukan 80 persen laporan alergi parah (anafilaksis) yang melibatkan orang dewasa berasal dari wanita.
Menurut Ke'ala Akat dari Yale School of Medicine, jawaban atas pertanyaan mengapa lebih banyak laporan efek samping vaksin dari wanita tidak sederhana. Salah satu kemungkinannya adalah bukti yang menunjukkan wanita lebih aktif mencari perawatan medis ketika sedang sakit. Namun, hal ini belum diteliti lebih lanjut.
Hormones such as estrogen that affect the female reproductive system may be responsible for their immune response. However, research involving the relationship between sex and gender and vaccine response also highlights the larger issue of how women process and are psychologically affected by drugs.
Although women are more susceptible to the side effects of the vaccine, this indicates a protective benefit of the vaccine that works well on the female body. Until now, many researchers are still conducting studies on the factors that distinguish the efficiency of drugs and their safety for sex and gender.
A researcher Covid-19, dr. Akiko Iwasaki, explained the false rumors circulating about the side effects of the official vaccine that has frightened a number of women even though the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has demonstrated its safety. “It is important to remember that it is better to access a trusted website such as the CDC in finding information about the Covid-19 vaccine,” Akau wrote, quoted by Tempo from the page. Yale School of Medicine, Monday, April 5, 2021.
Also read: Is it true that women’s response to the Covid-19 vaccine is better?
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