Banking scams are back. The scams are back with the usual links and many words put in the right place, too often convincing.
A full-blown scam, as unfortunately too often we are forced to watch from the pages of the daily news. A winning way, for i scammers, which is necessary to write a text that is credible, to correlate it by a link that refers in some way to a fictitious home banking and that’s it. Too many citizens still fall for it, too many citizens take the content of the email as true, and when in doubt, they accept the information offered.
This is the text whole wheat of the email in question, which lately is making many more “victims” than expected: “Dear customer UniCredit, with this email we inform you that we have deactivated all online transactions with your credit card and the functions of your UniCredit account. This will prevent you from being able to perform payments online with your credit card, receive or send money by bank transfer and much more. To unlock your account and card credit for online payments, you need to confirm some of your information such as your phone number and UniCredit membership code. To do this, visit our page dedicated to checks and updates by clicking on the link following. After confirming the number of phone associated with your account and the Subscription Code of the UniCredit account, all the functions of your account and your UniCredit card will be restored “.
References to links and all useful information to be scammed
As can be seen in the text of the mail there are all the useful indications, in fact, to be scammed. The elusive reason that would have pushed the institute to send the communication to its parents account holders and all the procedures to follow, including links that should help you take the various steps. Obviously at the end of everything there is the subtraction of part or all of the balance available on your own Bank account.
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Scams that continue to haunt web users, citizens, account holders or not of banking institutions. Techniques tested who spare no one, who feed on the doubts and uncertainties of the victims, who punctually, despite everything, fall always in the network.