TRIBUNLAMPUNG.CO.ID – In the book Basic Knowledge of Geography (2015) by Sri Mintarjo, biogeography is a science that studies the spatial distribution of living things, both in the present and in the past.
Discussion what is biogeography related to biosphere.
The biosphere is related to the spatial phenomena of living things which include flora and fauna.
Research biosphere focus on the distribution of plants and animals and the factors that influence them.
A branch of geography that specializes in studying phenomena biosphere called biogeography.
Biogeography itself is divided into two branches of science, as follows:
Phytogeography is the science of geography that studies plants.
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Zoogeography is the science of geography that studies animals.
a. Aspects biogeography
In the book McKnight’s Physical Geography (2014) by Darrel Hess, it is stated that there are four major aspects studied in biogeography.