+ Women 25 years of age and older can go to health centers to request information for a Pap smear and breast examination.
TUXTLA GUTIÉRREZ, Chiapas; August 06, 2021.- In order to take care of the health of the female population, the State Secretariat of Health will intensify the performance of cytologies and clinical breast examinations for the timely detection of cervical and breast cancer, respectively, so that From August 9 to 16, interested women should go to the nearest health center to check schedules and requirements.
The state agency stated that women between the ages of 25 and 34, who have never had a Pap smear or have had their last study done for more than 3 years, can go to the nearest health center to have it done; As well as women between the ages of 25 and 39, a breast examination can be performed once a year, so for these two detections, they must bring a copy of their CURP.
The female population can go to any of the 447 health centers distributed in the 10 health districts, which are Tuxtla Gutiérrez, San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Comitán, Villaflores, Pichucalco, Palenque, Tapachula, Tonalá, Ocosingo, and Motozintla, where They will carry out these activities, since these diseases are preventable and curable if they are detected in time.
Likewise, in health centers, clinical breast examination is carried out, primarily in women between 25 and 39 years of age, which must be done annually to detect breast cancer in time; the risk factors for this disease are: if you are over 40 years old; if your mother, sister or daughters have or had breast cancer; not have had any pregnancy; if you had your first child after the age of 30; if you started menstruating before age 12 and menstruation stopped after age 52; if radiotherapy was received to the chest and if hormonal therapy was used for more than five years without medical supervision.
In addition, women from 20 years of age can perform breast self-examination every month, since this makes it possible to know their breasts, their shape, their appearance and their texture, allowing to identify anomalies in a timely manner; You can also explore the breasts even when you no longer menstruate (premenopause and menopause).
The five steps to take care of the breasts are the following: observe, touch and feel, if there is any change in the breasts, report it immediately to the health personnel; daily consume water, fruits and vegetables; cut down on processed foods with high sugar levels, such as cakes, cookies, soft drinks, and avoid alcoholic beverages; do physical exercise and keep your weight; Go annually to your health unit for a breast examination and if you are between 40 and 69 years old, get a mammogram.
The technique for self-exploration of the breasts consists of: touch and feel with the fingertips, applying pressure, you can do it while bathing; Standing, with one hand behind the head, explore the entire breast with circular movements, starting at the armpit and ending at the nipple; Finish your examination by squeezing the breast and see if there is any fluid coming out of the nipple and repeat all the previous maneuvers but lying down and with a pillow under your back.
Also observe standing in front of the mirror, if there is deformation of the breasts, color changes, a deviated or sunken nipple; place your hands on your hips, press firmly and lean forward a little and look for any change in the breasts; and observe changes, but now with the arms extended upwards.