Festival organization ID&T and more than forty affiliated event organizers still institute summary proceedings against the government. The organizations want clarity before 1 August about allowing events without overnight stays.
Earlier today, the cabinet announced that these events will be told under what circumstances they can continue from August 13, but the organizations do not want to wait for that. Multi-day festivals are canceled for at least the entire month of August.
A week and a half ago, ID&T also initiated summary proceedings with several organisations, but decided to wait a while because they sat down with the cabinet. It subsequently emerged that safely continuing festivals with an overnight stay is not feasible.
No other option
The festival organizers now see no other option than to pursue the summary proceedings because the risks for the entrepreneurs and involved have become too great.
OOrganizations that joined ID&T include those of Paaspop, Apenkooi, Zwarte Cross and Het Amsterdams Verbond.