Home » Health » Benefits of Regularly Drinking Warm Water, Prevent Colds to Smooth Digestion : Okezone Lifestyle

Benefits of Regularly Drinking Warm Water, Prevent Colds to Smooth Digestion : Okezone Lifestyle

ALL people certainly know that consuming enough mineral water or plain water is a good step for health. There are many ways to drink mineral water, starting in cold water, normal, to warm water. Then which is the best for the health of the human body?

If you really want to feel more benefit, drink warm water is the best way. Traditional or alternative medicine often associates warm water with better health.

Here’s an explanation of drinking warm water is good for the health of the human body, as reported by the page: Feminaindia, Monday (26/7/2021).

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1. Relieves and prevents colds and coughs

Warm water is a great way to stay hydrated and relieve symptoms of coughs and colds. This not only provides relief to the throat, but also keeps the airways clear, and helps to open blockages in the sinuses and nasal passages. Drinking hot water can allow you to get rid of phlegm and mucus faster.

2. Helps digestion

Drinking warm water can stimulate bowel movements. When you drink warm water, the liquid will be quickly absorbed by the small intestine and reduce the risk of constipation. Drinking warm water also helps to get rid of trapped wind and gets rid of acidity and other stomach problems.

Also read: gee Drinking Cold Water Causes Cancer?” href=”https://lifestyle.okezone.com/read/2020/06/19/481/2232818/cek-fact-masa-sih-minum-air-dingin-causing-kanker” >Fact Check, Masa gee Drinking Cold Water Causes Cancer?

3. Improve blood circulation

Drinking warm water can actually improve blood circulation. This allows the function of muscles and organs to work in a better condition or state. In addition, hot water is also good for overcoming or preventing menstrual cramps. Therefore, consume at least 3 liters of warm water a day.

4. Increase Metabolism

Warm water is a detox tool in getting rid of toxins faster. Not only is it more effective at removing toxins from the body’s system, but regularly drinking warm water also increases metabolism and causes weight loss. This is because it breaks down adipose tissue (or body fat) faster than normal.

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