You can also use thefederal funds.without a doubt it is a respite for thelocal people.lili: it’s a nice night forgo out, the humidity duringtoday has remainedpractically the null and tomorrowAlso, the humidity iswill hold down today, tomorrow and theSaturday, it’s Sundaysecond part of the weekendwhen humidity increases bylittle and there we will feel alittle increase in humidity andheat for next week,the next ones were cutearea if we approach the areade washington heights, el bronxyy queen and a vi on a fridayvery nice, and in the afternoon between79 a 80.many are in the morning andthen in the afternoon a littlecloudiness but no rainthey are rain we see a bit ofcloudiness of our area thisbecause of the smoke screen thataffected by forest firesin the nacón, gs wind bringssome cloudiness to ourarea but no rain in inI walk there, if you have plansto go out in the next fewhours to whom new jersey ornew york temperaturescomfortable.around 8:00 at nighttemperatures at 77 ° is adelight, so he takes advantage of thetonight, dry conditionsThey are 80 81, tomorrow willIt felt very similar to the day oftoday, in if I enjoy the day ofToday tomorrow you will also love it.and then for Saturday lookthis, pure sun in the area, onlythe night begins the cloudinessbecause Sunday isgetting a little complicated,we have 24% rain is goodlittle but there is morecloud cover, for Sunday andhumidity I used the feeling, therethat Saturday is the best partweek look again forSaturday to make plans,84th, very nice and pleasant, theSunday mostly cloudy andwe can have some downpour inafternoon hours, 24% ofpossibility.until the conditions of the