TRIBUNKALTIM.CO – Deployment Covid-19 in Indonesia is still high.
The spread of the Corona virus has almost occurred in all provinces in Indonesia.
Not only infecting adults or the elderly, the new variant of Covid-19 also does not look at age and can infect toddlers and children.
Patient’s symptom level Covid-19 It is also divided into 4 levels.
Starting from asymptomatic patients, mild, moderate to severe.
Also read: As an Independent Isolation Place, Now Rusunawa Guntung Bontang Accommodates 25 Covid-19 Patients
Despite having no symptoms, someone who is confirmed positive Covid-19 have to live self isolation at home so that people around you don’t get infected.
Self-isolation at home is carried out with the aim of breaking the chain of transmission Covid-19.
Reported from Dr. dr. Erlina Burhan, M.Sc SpP(K), a pulmonary specialist from the Infection Division of the Department of Pulmonology from Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, said that people who are positive for Covid-19 with mild or asymptomatic symptoms are required to self-isolate.
“You are not allowed self isolation if you are short of breath. So, please count the frequency of breaths, in one minute there are how many breaths. If it’s more than 24 times, it’s a sign that you are short of breath and you have to go to a health facility,” said dr. Erlina in a Webinar entitled “Independent Isolation of Covid Patients”, Friday, July 2, 2021.
In addition to the symptoms of shortness of breath, according to dr. Erlina, oxygen saturation below 94 percent is also a sign that Covid-19 patients must be taken to a health facility.