Home » News » SERGAS summons 145,000 Galicians this week for a massive vaccination | Radio Galicia

SERGAS summons 145,000 Galicians this week for a massive vaccination | Radio Galicia

The SERGAS summons 145,000 Galicians between Tuesday and Sunday to administer the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Some 90,000 Galicians between 75 and 79 years old will receive the Pfizer vaccine between Tuesday and Wednesday, and another 55,000, between 60 and 65 years old, that of AstraZeneca, between Thursday and Sunday.

The vaccination will be carried out in the centers used fifteen days ago, the city of culture in Santiago, and fairgrounds in Coruña, Vigo, Ourense and Ferrol. In total, there will be 14 vaccination points.

The call will be made by age criteria, from oldest to youngest. In the case of people from 75 to 79 years old, they will be summoned by SMS and will receive a confirmation call, for those from 60 to 65 years old, they will only be notified by SMS.

Vaccination with Pfizer

In the health area of ​​A Coruña, 18,300 people will be summoned at the Ifeco and at the Virxe da Xunqueira Hospital; in Lugo, A Mariña and Monforte, 11,600 people will be summoned at the HULA and at the A Mariña and Monforte hospitals.

For its part, the 12,600 people in the area of ​​Ourense, Verín and O Barco de Valdeorras must go to be vaccinated in Expourense and the hospitals of Verín and Valdeorras; while in Pontevedra and O Salnés 9,000 people will be vaccinated at the Pazo de Congresos and Fexdega.

In the health area of ​​Vigo, 17,500 people will be vaccinated at Ifevi; in Santiago and Barbanza, 14,600 people will be summoned at the Cidade da Cultura and at the Barbanza Hospital; while in the Ferrol area 6,400 people will be called to come to FIMO.

Vaccination with Astrazeneca

Regarding those born between 1956 and 1961, who will receive the AstraZeneca vaccine, 55,000 people will be summoned by SMS that will not require confirmation.

At the end of each day, those who have not attended will be called to meet them in the next available days. Also in this case there are 14 vaccination points.

In the area of ​​A Coruña and Cee, 11,250 people will be mentioned in the IFECO and in Hospital Virxe da Xunqueira.

In the Lugo, A Mariña e Monforte area, 7,100 people will have to go to the HULA and the A Mariña and Monforte hospitals.

In the area of ​​Ourense, Verín and O Barco de Valdeorras, 6,600 people will be vaccinated in Expourense and in the hospitals of Verín and Valdeorras.

In Pontevedra and O Salnés, 5,350 people will be vaccinated at the Pazo de Congresos and Fexdega. In Vigo, 11,500 people will be mentioned in the Ifevi.

In Santiago and Barbanza, 9,200 people in the Cidade da Cultura and the Hospital de Barbanza. As for the Ferrol area, 4,000 people will be called to attend FIMO.

These vaccinations will take place between the afternoon of tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday, day 7, except in Ferrol, which will be vaccinated on Wednesday and Thursday.

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