If for any reason you lost or need your education certificatebasic of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), either from primary O high school, you have to know that it is possible that you process and get a replacement online.
All you have to do is go to the following page: Controlescolar.aefcm.gob.mx/valida
There you must enter the 32 characters of your SEP folio. This folio is unique for each basic education student and is assigned by the General Directorate of the Educational Information and Management System (DGSIGED) and has the purpose of identifying each student.
However, the previous page only works for those who finished their basic education studies as of 2017 and to date.
But if you finished your primary or secondary studies before 2017, you should look for the option “Duplicate certificate of completion of primary and / or secondary studies in schools in Mexico City”.
You should have the following documents at hand:
Birth certificate original and copy.
Report card, original and copy.
Unique Population Registry Code (CURP).
Proof of payment, original and copy.
Request for the Revalidation of Studies procedure, original and copy.
Proof of payment of rights, original.
School background.
Whether you need it to continue your studies or to apply for a job, getting a replacement for your public education certificate will take just a few minutes.