claudia: andrea, that’s theask everyone isdoing. although it is causingconfusion in some people,others agree on thischange because that’s where they feelprotected wings.a month ago, the county of losangels and all californiacelebrated the reopening and thereturn to a daily lifewithout masks for thevaccinated, but the outlook isother. the emergence of casesby covid19 in los angeleshoused officials of thepublic health to resume useof the masks from this endof the week, insideestablishments for allperson is vaccinated or not.>> I think it is necessary.claudia: it was hasty thisdecision and recommendation of thecdc?assures that they did not commitno mistake.>> when we did it wascorrect, but with theemergence of the variantdelta, maybe you have tocheck the mask.claudia: the director of thecenters for control anddisease prevention hascataloged the increase incases such as the new pandemic ofthe unvaccinated.>> all are people not one.claudia: according to data from thepublic health office of theLos Angeles County, Loslast seven months 98% ofhospitalizations and deaths.>> it seems that you have lowered theguard ahead of time.>> what we have not done goodsvaccinate people.there is the fault of the people whoit was not acquired vaccinate.if they had vaccinated 70 perhundred of the population,we were in a very situationdifferent.claudia: apart tomorrow, allperson in los countyangels must wear a maskindoor.on the other hand, the edics