You don’t have to be a gourmet to put on an extra 2-3 kg during the holidays. Whether we opt for grandma’s cozonacs and the classic lamb steak, or we enjoy other delicacies in an exotic vacation, we are certainly tempted to exaggerate a little and not to respect our usual meal and training schedule.
Now that Easter is over, it’s time to return to a healthy lifestyle and regain our desired figure. Below are some tips on this. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.
First, you don’t have to skip meals. A healthy diet means three main meals and two snacks. In order to maintain our ideal weight, the rule of eating at fixed hours every day also applies to snacks.
The most recommended choices for healthy snacks are those with low sugar content, fats and salt: fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals and oilseeds.
Avoid eating before bed. Dinner should be served 3-4 hours before bedtime and it would be preferable not to contain carbohydrates.
Eat plenty of fruit and preferably only in the first part of the day.
Move as many times as you can, not only at the gym – walk as much as possible, and if your job involves sitting on a chair 8h / day, I recommend you do stretching for a few minutes, after every hour. there it is HERE some ideas on how to do stretching.
Replace sweets which you usually consume or with which you have exaggerated in recent days with dark chocolate. It is much lower in calories and, in addition, maintains your heart health.
As long as you eat healthy foods, you hydrate very well, you make time for sports several times a week and, last but not least, you get enough rest, you will quickly reach the desired figure and, most importantly, you will have more energy and vitality.
Iulian Dinu – Fitness Coach with over 10 years experience Founder of Fitness Education School
Phone: 0720.239.389
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