The hospital of La Maddalena.
The medicine department of the hospital of La Maddalena towards closure, asked for the intervention of the mayors. The very serious health situation of the island, due to the lack of staff, necessary to cover the shifts of the first aid, put 20 beds at risk of the cast.
Local politics is mobilized.
First the minority, who asked the mayor to urgently convene a municipal council. “The constant dismantling of the Paolo Merlo – said councilors Rosanna Giudice, Annalisa Gulino, Manila Salvati, Alberto Mureddu and Giovanni Manconi-, having now reached the final rash, as evidenced by the complaints of citizens, the discontent of the health personnel and the recent press articles denouncing the inefficiencies and the state of agony of the health structure, require an immediate and frank confrontation with the top politicians regional health management. We demand a U-turn for Paolo Merlo, so that the right to health care is guaranteed as for all Sardinian citizens”.
Mayor Fabio Lai has, responded to the appeal of the minority, calling an urgent city council, by writing a letter to the president of the Social Health Conference Roberto Ragnedda and asking him to be present during the session. “It is an unprecedented state of emergency but everyone’s help is needed – declares the mayor –. I hope that those who are on sick leave can recover as soon as possible in order to help the city and colleagues who, with great sacrifice and a sense of duty, are carrying out the services themselves. The ATS system that has centralized resources and personnel management has totally failed. To have a chance it is necessary that the ASLs be restored, but with managerial powers ”.
Viva is also the concern of the FP-CGIL unions, which have announced the state of agitation of all the staff of Paolo Merlo and asked the prefect for a meeting. “A series of initiatives implemented by the Management of Ats Sardegna with the obvious approval of the Department of Health – they declared – they are leading to the closure of the Maddalena healthcare facility. Since the covid emergency there has been no reintegration of the missing staff, also through the massive use of the so-called additional services it has reached the complete saturation of the hourly performance of employees and an excessive workload with Burn-Out peaks for the overwhelming part of the employees “.
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