Home » News » The prefecture of Eure-et-Loir wants to organize a “Covid lottery” to encourage young people to be vaccinated

The prefecture of Eure-et-Loir wants to organize a “Covid lottery” to encourage young people to be vaccinated

The vaccination campaign against Covid-19 is continuing intensely in the department. Françoise Souliman, prefect of Eure-et-Loir, recalled this Saturday during a new visit to the vaccination center installed in Chartrexpo. The opportunity, also, to give some perspectives.

What is the special feature of this day?
We had promised ourselves to let rest those who usually arm this vaccination center in Chartres, and who are worn out. We therefore mobilized staff from the local public service, consular chambers, National Education, various administrations. They received a two hour training. Originally, this day was dedicated to teachers, but the calendar did not fit in terms of school holidays.

The Delta variant “spreads fairly quickly” in the Center-Val de Loire region

Are you satisfied with the vaccination figures for Eure-et-Loir?
Yes. Nearly 51% of Euréliens received their first dose, or 219,408 vaccinated. And 32% of the population received the second dose. We are in the leading group at the national level. But it is insufficient. The goal is 70% at the end of August. We therefore have 36,526 people to be vaccinated. I would like to remind you, for those going on vacation, that it is possible to get your second dose at your vacation spot.

Nearly 51% of Euréliens received their first dose, or 219,408 vaccinated. And 32% of the population received the second dose. We are in the leading group at the national level.

Did you target any difficulties?
Yes, we are unable to capture part of the neighborhood population, especially in Dreux, and mainly young people under 20 years old. We decided to reach out to them by organizing a Covid lottery with a draw and prizes to be won. We try to sensitize them in the holiday centers and the CCAS. We also want to attract vulnerable and co-morbid people to vaccination. Another problem is that we have seen a very noticeable drop in vaccination from June 8. Fortunately, it has restarted since early July. Euréliens will be able to be vaccinated all summer, even on Wednesday July 14 or Saturday July 17.

We have a suspected case in Eure-et-Loir. It should be known that one variant hunts the other and underline that the vaccines are effective against the mutation of the virus giving these variants.

Are you worried about the Delta variant, present in the Center – Val de Loire region?
We are vigilant. Even if it circulates mainly in seaside resorts, it is present in Indre-et-Loire and in Loiret. [La préfecture du Loir-et-Cher a également annoncé hier la détection d’une vingtaine de cas positifs au variant Delta à Vendôme N.D.L.R]. We have a suspected case in Eure-et-Loir. It should be known that one variant hunts the other and underline that the vaccines are effective against the mutation of the virus giving these variants.

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Are you worried about a rise in contamination?
It is an inescapable scenario. We continue to offer the highest possible vaccination. The department will benefit from the same dose volumes all summer. The four large centers of the department – Chartres, Dreux, Châteaudun and Nogent-le-Rotrou – are required to remain open until January, while the small ones will close. We are also considering vaccinations with a mobile team that would travel to cities. We have no limits to fight this epidemic. We do not forbid any experimentation to attract the population to the vaccine. At the same time, we are preparing the modalities of school vaccination for the start of the school year.

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Thierry delaunay
[email protected]

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