gasoline increases to $ 3.9, aolar more than in the samelast year’s period.the question that travelers arethey do is how theconditions for yourtrajectory. we return with himfull weather report.stephanie: adriana, for nowwhat are they going to need?umbrella.caution if you are drivingunder the rain.right now the temperatures inunder theWhere to reach it without, butWe are in the 90s and high 90s.these storms that come fromroad. we can see somedeveloping onPennsylvania and in the areametropolitan is dry, butthese are coming right nowshowers. tomorrow we start theI was 77. It’s already a bit the afternoon we stay inthe 80s.the probability ofprecipitacón, you can see it in80 to 90%, these stormsheavy come at 4:00 in thelate but we could seerain since midday.tonight you can see rainparts of our area. morningafter noon a littlescattered rain.around 4:00 pm and 4:30 pmpm storms across thecity with more downpoursheavy.this rain will continuethroughout the night and the beginningFriday too. on Fridaywe will see scattered rain alongthroughout the day.let’s take a look at itSunday holiday. thetemperatures are going to dropdrastically and we are in thewith what we have seen in thelast ías.for sunday and holidayswe await conditions