Lübeck – The Schleswig-Holstein Football Association (SHFV) has worked out a preliminary division for the season 2021/2022. In the league, there is an unequal number in the north and south seasons. The Husumer SV is no longer there, but starts in the Schleswig State League.
KSV again not in Lübeck
There may also be some disappointed faces in the circles. The Kronsford SV is still not allowed to play in the Lübeck district league, that’s why TuS Garbek represented there. In the district class A is Eintracht Groß Grönau II still on the road in the Duchy of Lauenburg and Stormarn.
– Display –
Relays with Lübeck participation from Oberliga to district class A.
Oberliga Nord (8)
Türkspor Kiel
TSV Kronshagen
TSV Altenholz
TSV Bordesholm
Frisia 03
Eckernförder SV
Flensburg II turnout
TSB Flensburg
Oberliag South (9)
VfB Lübeck II
FC Dornbreite
PSV Neumünster
SV Eichede
Prussia Reinfeld
Eutin 08
Oldenburger SV
TSV Pansdorf
SV death field
State League Holstein (11)
TSV Travemünde
Eichholzer SV
SV Eichede II
Serretzer SV
GW seven trees
Büchen-Siebeneichener SV
Breitenfelder SV
TuS Hartenholm
SV Henstedt-Ulzburg
SSC Phoenix Kisdorf
TSV Lägerdorf
Association League South-East (11)
SC Rapid Lübeck
Phoenix Lübeck II
VfL Vorwerk
Eintracht Groß Grönau
SG Bad Schwartau
SV Hamberge
SG Sarau / Bosau
SVG Pönitz
TSV Lensahn
TSV Neustadt
TSV Gremersdorf
Association League South (12)
SSV Pölitz
Hagen Ahrensburg
WSV Tangstedt
TuS Hoisdorf
SG Elmenhorst/Tremsbüttel
TSV Bargteheide
Borussia Möhnsen
SSV Güster
SV Schackendorf
SC Rönnau
Leezener SC
SV Death Field II
District League South-East (11)
ATSV Stockelsdorf
SV Azadi
TuS Lübeck
TSV Schlutup
Fortuna St. Jürgen
TSV Kücknitz
Turkish SV
FC Dorbreite 2
TSV Pansdorf II
MTV Ahrensbök
TuS Garbek
District League South (11)
Kronsforder SV
FSG Südstormarn
SSV Großensee
TSV Trittau
VfR Todendorf
TSV Berkenthin
SV Steinhorst/Labenz
SIG Elmenhorst
TSV Gudow
SG Wentorf-Sandesneben / Schönberg
Ratzeburger SV
District League Middle-South (11)
VfL Oldesloe
Bargfelder SV
VfL Rethwisch
JuS Fischbek
Hagen Ahrensburg II
Prussia Reinfeld II
SVT Bad Oldesloe
TuS Tensfeld
TSV Nahe
SG Oering-Seth
SV Wahlstedt
District class A south-east (12)
TSV Siems
Viktria 08
TSV Dänischberg
Lübeck 1876
Rapid II
Fortuna II
Eichholzer SV II
SG Bad Schwartau II
SV Hamberge II
TSV Zarpen
FC Scharbeutz
Sereetzer SV II
District class A south (12)
Eintracht Groß Grönau II
SV Hammoor
SpVgg Lüttau
Borussia Möhnsen II
Linauer SV
TSV Gudow II
Büchen-Siebeneichener SV II
Möllner SV
GW Siebenbäume II
SG Mustin/Schlagsdorf
SSV Güster II
Breitenfelder SV II
Changes are possible.