date. for informationvisit the website thatappears on the screen.fake a cardvaccination against covid19in new york it could beconsidered as a crimeserious, after a legislacónapproved by the assemblystate expert legislatorshealth talk about theimplications of the measure.romy: the new york assemblytook advantage of a billserious fake cardsvaccination againstcoronavirus.will penalize you with crimes ofoc class when quantityof records is greater than wingsthan 50,000 bogus immunizations.I know with one of the thingsmincers, who assures thatseek to stop actswhile the reopening happens.>> the felony is for thepeople who want to sell itWholesale.we are seeing every time wingspeople buying more alarming, the cityIt is opening, there are concerts,e broadway show,romy: to know thehealth consequencespublic use of cardscounterfeit, we spoke withmedical experts, whomanifested the dangers ofthis practice.>> the counterfeit card, nobuy it please, that cardit’s only going to hurtyourself. with a card goesto be able to enter places wheredifficult to recognize a cardof false vaccination, that thepeople will stop opting for itwhen they are polite>> looks like a side piece,it is easy to fake.that they understand, that I knowdiscontent in your questions.romy: the legislation must beapproved by the state senateand signed by the governorto become law.came into effect from