until here the conditions of thetime, came back with you.Adriana: Thank you very much, thatthe necessary precaution.those of submissive and suicidalamong Hispanic women haveincreased during the pandemic.It is important that you know that there ishelp available and whatcommunity.one of those laws is known innew York.Javier Castro talks with thelegislator who proposed it.javier: the pandemic, thedifficulties of the ía, theloneliness are some of the triggersin the lives of many women.in many cases, it leads todepression.a high number even hassuicidal thoughts.senator jessica ramos hastaken action on it.>> unfortunately, in 201922% of girlsYork considered taking off thelifetime. it is more, 12% trueHe tried it.passed a law proposed by theSenator Ramos to get tothe roots of the situation, tothrough a working groupfor suicide preventionin Latina women.>> when the governor signsthe bill to make itpermanent, the idea is that thisfocus groupespecially in theLatina teens.Javier: but mothers toothey face challenges and problems.Mrs. Evelyn focused hereffort to go out to the neighborto beat depression.vehicle that saved my life.Javier: for this Indian mothercommunity, support betweenwomen is very important.you have to get involved and lookhelp.>> the index ofsuicide and we must uniteall.Javier: we wanted to have a plancynical, who talks aboutcauses of this problem.>> the pandemic has blindedplans. suicide attemptsamong Latinas. Manywe can relate to this.Javier: it is important that I knowremember there is a way out forany situation.>> very helpful tolatinasa treat your depression,such as therapy.Javier: it is important that I canidentify whenthoughts reach a levelthe dangerous.they are thoughts butthere are plans, then you searchProfessional Help.javier: one option isget involved in a>> at 3322288525, here thewe wait.javier: to recognize it, you cancall the office of the>> 7182053881.Javier: you can also go to theemotional support page of thenew york city, what