ofStefan Simon
shut down
The city assembly of Frankfurt’s Catholics is launching a fundraising campaign for refugees. Single men should benefit.
The city assembly of Frankfurt’s Catholics has launched a fundraising campaign for the Henriette-Fürth-Haus, a Caritas shared accommodation for refugees in the Gutleut district. As announced by the city assembly, the campaign aims to support single men who have fled. Many of them were hit hard by the Corona restrictions and suffered psychologically from the consequences.
In order for the fundraising campaign to be crowned with success, 2000 euros are required. The money will be used to buy an outdoor chess and table tennis table.
At some church towns and in parishes, people collect for the campaign. The cathedral parish would like to use half of this year’s Corpus Christi collection for this purpose. St. Bonifatius, St. Jakobus and St. Josef as well as the two parishes in Gallus have also pledged their support.
According to the city assembly, around 300 people live in the emergency shelter for refugees. Many of them are single men for whom there are few offers for social integration and participation. That should now change with the help of the action. “Leisure and exercise opportunities play a major role here, but a lot is not possible in these difficult times,” says Anne Groth.
Marianne Brandt, the chairwoman of the city assembly, remembers a visit to the facility before the lockdown. It is her concern that there is a sport and leisure opportunity at the house: “The men without a family live together in a small space.” She was very moved when she heard about the contact restrictions and the forgetting of this group of people when requesting donations. “These men need our help,” she says.
donate to : General association of Catholic parishes in Frankfurt am Main
IBAN DE48 5005 0201 0200 5520 15
Keyword: Henriette-Fürth-Haus