that goes this year.Now let’s change the subject andwe passed with rafael and you areweather conditions.Rafael: Good afternoon everyone andthanks for the synthia. thereports that sent us tothrough social media.if I win on our website.there are the conditionscurrent showing ourÁmaras that is was still a bit cloudy, butit is much more stable andpleasant that the weekend. temperatures that are already wingshigh. although we have a littleof cloudiness, all that panoramaclear that we will haveconsequence of a highpressure that is pushingtowards the atlantic and we will havestable conditions for wings of48 hours.this is about 60 °. it’s thermoshitting 71 or 72 this afternoonwhen we reach next andscience that between 4:06 of theWe will have those for you latertemperatures with a panoramamuch more clear and thenwe will have stable conditionsand cleared for the day ofThey are over 70 and from therewe continue heading to 80 °for this weekend. theThursday. we will be talking abouta front that is touchingpart of the state of texas andcould be closing 40 or 45%of probability and the Sabbaththere could be a bit ofprecipitation over 80 °.we will see a little sun on day