Presentation of Facebook
Presentation of Facebook (history, uses and challenges)
Facebook in numbers
Good and bad practices on Facebook
The differences between a business and personal page
L’interface Facebook Mobile
Facebook computer interface
Facebook’s algorithm
History of the Facebook algorithm
How the Facebook algorithm works
Define the objectives of the Facebook business page
Think carefully about your goals
What is a goal
Measure a goal well
Put into practice: production of Deliverable 1 Facebook Certification – define Facebook objectives
Define Personas
Create a persona corresponding to your brand
Practice: production of Deliverable 2 Facebook certification – creation of personas
Create and configure your Facebook page
Launch and configure a professional page
Create your first community
Set up your Facebook page
Configure the Messenger
Write on Facebook
Write on social media
The proximity rule
What are users looking for on social networks?
The tools to easily create and share images
Grow your community
Create a first community on your Facebook page
Advertise on Facebook: The Good Reasons
Boost a post
Practice: Deliverable 3 – create a publication schedule
Facebook advertising
Reasons for advertising
The advertising guide
Facebook advertising formats
Facebook Manager and Ad Manager
Personalize your advertisements
Analyze Facebook page statistics
Facebook statistics
Analyze and act accordingly
The different Social Networks in practice
Social Networks in figures and their singularities
The algorithms of the main social networks
Practice: Deliverable 4 – creation of a Facebook publication
Create and manage an Instagram Professional profile
Create a professional Instagram page
Instagram tools not to be overlooked (Stories, hashtags, featured content …)
Manage communication on Instagram
Publish professional content
Attract followers to a pro Instagram page
Subscription management
Instagram mistakes to avoid
Advertise on Instagram
Reasons for advertising
Promote your professional activity on Instagram
Learn the technical aspects of Instagram advertising
Involve the community (influence, contests, partnerships)