A preferential rate to deal these ash trees is offered by the City for a sixth season.
The total cost is calculated depending on the size from the tree, or $ 3.69 per centimeter from diameter trunk.
50% refund treatment is possible, which is equivalent to a maximum of 1,85$.
What a programsame help can be applied to the treatment of a or two trees on the same ground.
Thiss ash trees are treatys at TreeAzin, which is thea trademark of the product.
Citizens should contact the Bio-control arboricultural supplier before August 13, au 514-432-0838 or by visiting the site traitementagriledufrene.ca.
It is also possible to do business, with another supplier.
A list of companies can be foundnt at bioforest.ca.
Dare costs for get a diagnosis or for the shifting from a specialist are not reimbursed by the City.
The details are availables on the site of the City in boucherville.ca/agrile.