Mönchengladbach / Krefeld. Original pictures, pigment prints and photo prints – these are the works of the freelance artist Christiane Holsten. With the acquisition of one of these works, the buyer is now promoting the planned species protection center “Affen-Park” in the Krefeld Zoo. Fifty percent of the sales proceeds go into the realization of the future-oriented project, which is to give gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans a new home according to the latest standards with outdoor enclosures.
“I am a picture painter. That’s my passion, ”says Christiane Holsten. The whole life of the native Bremen, who has lived in Mönchengladbach for 40 years, revolves around art. What inspires Christiane Holsten when she paints is less a concrete idea than her feeling, perceiving and observing. “My pictures,” she says, “arise from what touches and moves me.” And she puts that on paper with her favorite technique – finger painting. In doing so, she applies the colors, which she mixes with color pigments and acrylic binders, with hands, spatulas and brushes. She accentuates fine contours and details with the pen. The results are lively, sometimes amusing and touching works. “I like to compare my pictures with good friends with whom you enter into a dialogue,” she says. The pictures can be found on the website www.affenbrut.de/spendenaktion/ be looked at. A purchase is possible in the online shop. The pictures will then be sent.