In 2020, were you on sick leave, on maternity or paternity leave, in an accident at work or did you receive an invalidity pension? Before validating your tax return, you had better check whether the amounts paid by Health Insurance have been taken into account. Due to a computer incident, the transmission of data on the taxable benefits of policyholders was not automatically transferred to the pre-filled declarations of thousands of taxpayers, according to information from the daily West France.
According to the first elements communicated, only the primary health insurance funds of Brittany would be concerned, which represents 397,119 households throughout the region. Since May 14, Health Insurance has sent thousands of letters, SMS and emails to inform affected policyholders. For some households, the amount to be corrected could be very high. The daily cites the case of a young woman who became a mother in 2020 and who must add € 8,000 to her income tax return.
If you are concerned by this computer bug, you will be directly contacted by your CPAM. You will then have to go to your specific space on, under “My procedures”, and download your annual tax statement which will detail the amount to be indicated on your income tax return.
You will then have to report it in boxes 1AJ to 1DJ which correspond to “salaries, wages, pensions and annuities, salaries and taxable daily allowances that he received during a calendar year”.
Even if you have already validated your declaration online, you can correct it. On the other hand, if you have filed a paper return, it is too late. You will have to wait for your tax notice, which is scheduled to be received between July 30 and September 7. You will then have three months to correct it and send it back to public finances.