Home » Business » Hafner employees in Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac called on strike

Hafner employees in Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac called on strike

At five o’clock this morning, an indefinite strike began at Hafner, a company specializing in industrial pastries. The Force Ouvrière union is calling on the 180 employees of this company in Sainte-Hélène-du-Lac (Savoie), to walk out to demand an increase in wages, the payment of the Macron bonus, but also to denounce the calls to order addressed to eight employees for non-compliance with wearing a mask.

One month before the annual negotiations, the management of Hafner explains that they do not understand this strike movement. The union fears future abusive sanctions. Eight company employees received a call to order on compliance with health rules in the company, after the signalman of a driver outside Hafner. The man in question allegedly saw the employees without masks on the premises. In the famous letter, it is clearly explained that such behavior can lead to dismissal.

“With us today, when employees wear the mask badly or do not wear it, we send them a letter. This is not a sanction. […] On the other hand, we are in the context of a letter that formalizes the non-compliance with a rule in business“. – Natacha Doriol, Director of Human Resources at Hafner

The company “is subject to a very strict protocol by the Ministry of Labor, the Labor Inspectorate, the Occupational Doctor“recalls Natacha Doriol, director of human resources at Hafner.”So today, when employees wear the mask badly or do not wear it, we send them a letter. It is not a sanction, a sanction can be a warning, a layoff, etc. On the other hand, we are in the context of a letter which formalizes the non respect of a rule in business. This is something completely normal for our employees who respect the wearing of masks and expect us to enforce these rules against Covid-19.“explains Natacha Doriol.

After the report of this driver, there was an investigation also affirms the director of human resources. This is false according to Nabil Karoui. “The employees were summoned on a public holiday and I asked to see evidence and management refused“explains the FO delegate at Hafner. The trade unionist adds that the masks supplied by the company are of poor quality. Explaining according to Nabil Karoui, “that they slip or fall when lifting packages for example“.

Management ensures that it remains open to dialogue this morning.

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