Home » World » Why does the moon turn red in the total lunar eclipse? May 26, the only opportunity of the year

Why does the moon turn red in the total lunar eclipse? May 26, the only opportunity of the year

El only total lunar eclipse of this year 2021 is about to occur. Specifically, it will be the next May 26 when the special circumstances for such an event of astronomy. It will be when the full moon will pass through the umbra, the darkest and most central part of the shadow that the Earth projects when interposing between the Sun and the satellite, and that total eclipse will take place..

But it is that at that moment it is added that it will coincide with a supermoon (called ‘of the flowers’) when it is at the closest point to the Earth in the monthly orbit n this month of May. And from there will be triggered to that reddish effect something that does not happen with partial or penumbral eclipses.

What is this reddish effect of the moon due to the eclipse?

The Land this aligned in front of the sunBy preventing the Sun’s rays from directly illuminating the Moon, the atmosphere filters the blue light shorter wavelength from the Sun, exposing the red and orange hues, which end with reflect on the surface of the Moon.

Where can the total eclipse be seen?

In Spain it will not be possible. According to NASA, this eclipse can be seen in all its splendor in the American continent, from the west coast of the USA, Canada, Mexico, Ecuador, the west of Peru and the south of Chile and Argentina. Especially visible will be from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii.

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