Bizkaia has the infrastructures necessary for the treatment of urban waste of the territory, a good part of which depends on the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. Most of the latter are located in the Artigas Ecopark.
The Artigas Ecopark it is made up of:
— Bizkaia Composting Plant
Bizkaia Composting Plant is the plant for the compost production from waste from the selective collection of the organic fraction of organic waste (brown container), gardening and bio-waste from large food stores. Produces compost that can be used as a supplement fertilizer. A part is delivered to municipalities for the fertilization of public parks and another part is commercialized.
— Biological Mechanical Treatment Plant (TMB)
In the Biological Mechanical Treatment Plant (TMB) a first process of sorting and separation of waste deposited in the container of the remainder fraction. This process is done using different methods to divert the waste to subsequent treatments. The objective is channel most of the waste towards recycling and recovery, avoiding its deposit in landfill.
— Energy Recovery Plant (Zabalgarbi)
The Energy Recovery Plant (Zabalgarbi) focuses its activity on waste treatment through innovative technologies for energy recovery. Through this valuation process, Zabalgarbi generates and returns energy to the electricity grid enough to cover 35% of the annual domestic consumption needs of Bizkaia.
— Artigas landfill and leachate plant
The Artigas Landfill It has an operating capacity of 2.8 million cubic meters and an expected useful life of 30 years from 2021. Artigas and Jata (the latter operates as a reserve landfill and is provisionally covered) are the two landfills that are still operating in Bizkaia . They collect municipal waste already treated and inerted in TMB and that have not been able to be introduced into the recovery chain. In Artigas there is also a leachate treatment plant with the capacity to purify 500,000 cubic meters per year, which collects leachate generated at all Garbiker facilities, the provincial public company in charge of waste management in our territory.
Outside of the Artigas Ecopark, there are also two other treatment infrastructures:
— Bizkaia Garbage Recycling Center (BZB)
Bizkaia Garbage Recycling Center (BZB) is the plant in which lightweight packaging is sorted and prepared collected in the yellow container, meeting the requirements required by the recycling industry for these materials, which is subsequently managed by Ecoembes. It guarantees the reuse of more than 79% of the packaging waste collected and is the most efficient in the State, according to Ecoembes, for its high utilization rate.
— Berziklatu
Berziklatu is the plant of comprehensive treatment of bulky waste (furniture, wood, appliances …). Encourages the reuse and recycling of this waste and is located in an environment regenerated from the environmental point of view, since for its creation an area used as a landfill for mining waste was recovered. 97% of the waste that arrives at this plant is reused, recycled or is valued energetically. Berziklatu is also a plant oriented towards socio-labor insertion of people at risk of inclusion.
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