Neukirchen-Vluyn. Alexander Otto is one of the two youth leaders of the Ev. Vluyn parish. He had asked young people “How are you actually?”. A teenager gave him an answer that impressed him very much. He talks about it in the next heart-worthy video. It can be seen on May 16 from 2 p.m. on kirche-moers.de as well as on social media facebook.com/kirche.moers, instagram.com/kirche.moers and youtube (www.kurzelinks.de/kirchenkreismoers).
“Heartfelt” is the name of a series of two to three minute spots. People from the Moers parish, which stretches from the Alps to Friemersheim and Hoerstgen to Homberg, tell us what is currently occupying them. Then they report what kind of heartfelt thoughts this gave them.