Two days of vaccination with AstraZeneca for the over 40. The Lazio opens to the younger population groups on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 May. The announcement was made by the regional councilor for health, Alessio D’Amato, which communicated the opening of reservations, then go exhausted within a few hours. “From this afternoon all citizens born after 1981 and previous years can download the dedicated app Ufirst where to be able fix the before dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, choosing the hub and time. Vaccinations are open from 18 or 20, depending on the vaccination point, until 24 ″, said D’Amato.
The app generates a virtual ticket with whom to show up, also taking the health insurance card, at the chosen vaccination hub: “They are available beyond 20mila slot. This modality – explains D’Amato – is an experimentation which, if it goes well, will be replicated ”. Using the virtual ticket, every citizen will be able to move also beyond the curfew to reach the vaccine hub or indicated administration point, up to return to your own dwelling.
“Extraordinary success, in less than three hours sold out in Rome, Frosinone, Latina and Viterbo ”, is the statement released by the councilor late on Thursday evening. “The virtual ticket mode worked and they stayed few slots at the Valmontone and Rieti outlet. The experience is to be repeated with a necessarily greater number of doses that we will request from the commissioner ”, it reads.