Thomas Pesquet and his teammates will fly this Thursday, April 22 to the ISS, International Space Station. The astronaut gave a press conference Monday, April 19, from Houston, before takeoff. On this occasion, the editor-in-chief of Espace & Exploration, Marie-Ange Sanguy, was able to ask the question (as much as the request) of the 4th year students of the Teilhard-de-Chardin college, of Chamalières: will it be possible to photograph the Chaîne des puys from the space station?
As long as the weather is nice
Response in the form of “yes but” from the person concerned: “Yes, we will try. The photo is a lot of opportunity on the station. It has to be done outside of working hours, we can’t plan that. We just have to hope that it falls in these moments and that it is then beautiful on the Chaîne des puys. I’m a bit of a victim of the success of my first mission, and I have a lot of requests, but we’ll try. It is true that the point of view is good. “
Auvergne solidarity
The order of mission is passed thanks to Auvergne solidarity. Chamali astrophysicist Nicolas Laporte, now a teacher at the University of Cambridge, supports these college students in their project. It was he who contacted Marie-Ange Sanguy, who is from La Bourboule.
Plus. Follow Thomas Pesquet’s mission on the d ‘siteInfinisciences
Pierre-Olivier Febvret
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