That is what ministers Wouter Koolmees (Social Affairs), Wopke Hoekstra (Finance) and Bas van ‘t Wout (Economic Affairs) say after their visit to informateur Herman Tjeenk Willink. “Together with experts and social partners, we are looking at what is needed to help companies through the corona crisis in a healthy way,” says Koolmees. “That cannot wait until the end of the formation.”
Support packages
This involves extending the support packages for entrepreneurs, which now run until 1 July. According to Koolmees, there is also discussion about ‘tax debts and their recovery and the financial health of companies’. Van ‘t Wout says that it is also looking at how the cabinet can give companies a’ push ‘in the future.
This will be done in consultation with the new House of Representatives, where, according to Koolmees, the ministers will ‘make a round’ to ‘find support for such a follow-up’. The cabinet will then come up with possible solutions for these ‘urgent matters’ in mid-May.
Explorer gate
But the long-term recovery plan is less of a concern to the current cabinet. “The larger the subjects, the more likely it is for the forming parties,” Hoekstra refers to the formation, which has reached an impasse due to the ‘scout gate’.
“That distinction will have to be made for the coming period,” says Koolmees. He emphasizes that the cabinet is fully committed to short-term problems: “It is really our responsibility to prevent entrepreneurs from falling apart or people from losing their jobs unnecessarily.”
Mariëtte Hamer, chairman of the Social and Economic Council, called on the cabinet on Wednesday to make more haste.
In de podcast ‘Matter of Pennies’ SMEs leader Jacco Vonhof discusses what entrepreneurs need to get out of the corona crisis:
Lunch Update
An update of the most important news every day during lunch.