Paris SG, quiet winner of Istres 39 to 26 in a late match on Tuesday, regained four points ahead of the Starligue over their runner-up Montpellier, before the clash between the two teams this weekend.
By winning their first twenty matches this season, the team coached by Raul Gonzalez becomes the first to succeed in such a series in the French league. In 2011-2012, Montpellier had won 19 games in a row, ending the season with just two losses.
Last year, PSG had recorded 17 successes in a row, before the Covid stopped the championship.
Never worried
In Coubertin, the six-time reigning French champion has always been in the lead. And if Istres held up well for twenty minutes, Mikkel Hansen’s teammates accelerated to reach rest with five lengths ahead (19-14).
The gap then widened inexorably in favor of PSG, reaching 11 goals (30-19 in 47th minute) and peaking at 13 at the final whistle.
French full-back Nedim Remili finished top scorer in the game with five goals.