On Saturday, April 17, at 19:00, a live broadcast from the Liepaja Concert Hall “Lielais dzintars” will feature a chamber ensemble Trio Carmine concert “Brilliance and Contrasts. Interaction”.

The heavyweights of the program are the violin, clarinet and piano of the Bela Bartok and Arama Hatchaturyan Trio, composed in the 1930s. Although both composers are inspired by the traditional melodies of Hungarian and Roma folk music, it is natural that the speakers have treated the subject very differently. The first mood of the concert will be created by the classic trio of the Czech composer Johann Baptist Vanhal in Mibemol Major, while the intricate atmosphere will be created by the unusual composition “Shine” by the fine Latvian modernist Santas Ratniece.

In the chamber ensemble Trio Carmine united one of the brightest musicians of the new generation: Latvian clarinetist Anna Gāgane, violinist Magdalene Gecca and a Swiss pianist Luke Loss are experienced chamber musicians and winners of many international competitions.

Orest Silabriedis is told about the upcoming concert in a telephone interview Anna Gāgane a Magdalene Gecca.

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