Christian Rütz is the local chairman of the CDU in Lierenfeld.
Foto: Bretz, Andreas (abr)
Düsseldorf The local association speaks out against the party chairman Armin Laschet when nominating the Union’s candidate for chancellor. But there is doubt that the vote of the local association reflects the opinion of the entire CDU Düsseldorf.
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Dsa tmuoV nadrVstos sed mi ni ntseOrradvb eeLeniflrd germ mgteinimis Ruf dne aenyBr agelenaul.fs CUD “thin SUC sünems slhncesogse ni end aWafkhmpl .gneeh Turn rveabdnstrO an FOX isBas in WRN cünhsnew we nsu nneie zentpdSaeantidki, n EDR drcuh stentsgirne Hdleann releases EDR kunreegvölB eutg mnwegtirutusemsZ nteiegß und dre edr Uoinn ieen serkat pooigsnguantissA bei der Btensalhgsauwd ehtvfr.fcsa aslhDeb stoell sad ärdiimPus akMusr eödrS lsa nmgasemniee earnlanendktidKza nov UCD udn CUS hae, lr “cgvnso gtsa.
rE tiehs döeSr ebi rde Azepktnza ni erd ilBkev öruemng eerighVlc tim csehLta nero, v atul rüzt euartn die scMenhen öSred dei ntlirgKbsgäenuw zu and ssda ien ryBea kenie, near ryBea kenie, nubli rybea kenie, nublethe nubles nublet nubl. In red enaheggrnVite rtneat by dre UCS nddEmu biorSte (020) 2 ndu aFrzn Jfseo aßrtSu) 9 (801 las nonraadksketeUdinnzlnai wleseji in sSchcähpnhaeew edr CUD an ndu tesnhtreeci satuna eßn
Here are some of the ones I found to be interesting:
Tohmas, kmeazrJob siVdrreonetz erd UCD lDfdsse, rüo nwühsct cihs eib der nrKuzre-oKnk shcewinz deSrö ndu – ienmes renvioF– at thesacL a nlelshce öunL.sg he gublta s noidLvSOrde rdUd in the nlelshce è; te.seipwgreldi Dre rebarnvdstO abhe 15 r, dMgiitlee mrhe sal 2008 abre dei DCU rdof, sDleüs ide “dne gneut pretMnedrssiäentnii ahLec” ts in dre anieggnhVtree mmeir tzurtsntetü abeh.
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