Oberhausen. The smutje in the galley is going crazy! On Saturday, April 10th, 2021, the band Lapplaender is doing a lot of power with Irish and Nordic Folk, because they visited the SeaLife Oberhausen and provided plenty of entertainment for the residents of the aquarium. The video shot there also gives an insight into the SeaLife itself as well as the history of the band. Half the band wandered over the plank for an interview. Worth watching! Those interested can watch the video from Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 7 p.m. on the #KulturKucken “KUMU Stadt_Oberhausen” YouTube channel.
#KulturKucken is an initiative of the Oberhausener Wirtschafts- & Tourismusförderung GmbH and the culture office of the city of Oberhausen. Further information and the #KulturKucken program can be found at: www.kulturkucken-oberhausen.de.