The day is winter in the north of the country, the frosts are almost generalized, from the North-West to the North-East with -1 to -5 to -7 locally in Berry. This cold frees up wet pavements at the start of the day. On the Breton coast and the English Channel, the thermometer is above zero, showing 1 to 3 degrees.
In the other regions, temperatures are also positive with 0 to 7 degrees, from north to south of New Aquitaine, from 4 to 9 in Occitanie and PACA, until 10/11 on the shores of the Mediterranean.
In the morning, the weather is unstable in Haute-Normandie, Île-de-France, Center-Val-de-Loire in the North-East.
Air from the pole is reaching France. From that night until Wednesday, the #snow may fall locally as far as the plains in the north and northeast of the country, in the form of small showers (low quantities). Frosts sometimes severe for the vegetation.
– VigiMétéoFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) April 5, 2021
Showers mixed with snow or sleet fall from the sky at times. From Brittany to Poitou-Charentes, and from the north of Auvergne to Rhône-Alpes to the Southern Alps, the clouds are not very threatening.
Elsewhere, the sun is essential, except on the Pyrenees and its foothills encumbered with clouds with a few drops, in the form of snow, towards 1200 m.
In the afternoon, the weather is always agitated, under the sleet or snow showers down to low altitudes, from Hauts-de-France to the Grand Est and up to Bourgogne Franche-Comté as well as on the Alps of North.
The sunny weather continues in the south, the clouds letting the clearings pass over the Pyrenean terrain.
Wind gusts
On the Massif Central and the Southern Alps, snow showers occur at times beyond 1000 m, in the Alpes-Maritimes.
On the rest of France, the weather is variable. The tramontane and the mistral blow around 60/80 km / h.
Corsica still keeps a very strong westerly wind in the morning on the relief, the Balagne and around Bastia with gusts up to 90/100 km / h, much more on the capes.
In the afternoon, the gusts gradually weaken, only of interest to the south of the island. We also notice a sensitive north-westerly wind over a large part of the country, reinforcing the present cold.
The maximums are very cool in the north, with 6 to 9 degrees, up to 10 in the west of the territory. In the south, the mercury is barely more generous with 9 to 14 from the north to the south of the Rhône corridor, 11 to 15 in New Aquitaine and Occitanie.
It is milder on the Mediterranean beaches, with 16 to 17 and even 20 degrees in the eastern part of Haute-Corse.
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