Home » Health » The virus that can block the establishment of SARS-CoV-2 in human cells. It was only now

The virus that can block the establishment of SARS-CoV-2 in human cells. It was only now

The BBC has taken over a recent study which reveals that there is a virus that can eliminate covid infection. It is the rhinovirus that causes the common cold. The study says it can effectively remove the covid virus from human cells.

The virus that causes the common cold kills the covid infection

According to the study, scientists at the University of Glasgow say that the rhinovirus that causes the common cold can destroy the new coronavirus. The benefits could be short-lived, say the same researchers. The study found that rhinovirus is so widespread that it could help suppress Covid.

There has been much speculation about how the virus that causes Covid, known as Sars-CoV-2, would fit into the mysterious world of “virus-virus interactions“, Says the study, taken over by BBC.

The challenge for scientists has been great throughout this period. Especially since we are talking about a year of social distancing that has slowed the spread of all viruses and made it much more difficult to study the new coronavirus compared to other viruses. But here are the new discoveries coming and showing the effectiveness of another virus, which generates the common seasonal cold.

The team at the Glasgow Virus Research Center used a replica of the virus. The replica was made of the same cell types as rhinovirus. They later infected one lab rats with Sars-CoV-2 and rhinovirus. Rinvoris is one of the most common infections in humans and a cause of the common cold.

Rhinovirus inhibits Sars-CoV-2

If the rhinovirus and Sars-CoV-2 were released at the same time, only the rhinovirus is successful, the study shows. If the rhinovirus had a 24-hour start, then Sars-CoV-2, the researchers say, has no chance of survival in the body. And even when Sars-CoV-2 had 24 hours to produce the infection, the rhinovirus shut it down.

“Sars-CoV-2 has no effect, it is strongly inhibited by cold rhinovirus. This is absolutely interesting, because if you have a high prevalence of rhinovirus, it could stop new Sars-CoV-2 infections. The rhinovirus could influence the spread of Sars-CoV-2, especially in the autumn and winter months, when seasonal colds are more common, ”Dr Pablo Murcia told BBC News.

However, Covid will be able to cause an infection again once the cold has passed and the immune response passes, British researchers say. Vaccination, plus hygiene measures, plus interactions between viruses could greatly reduce the incidence of Sars-CoV-2, but the maximum effect will come from vaccination, experts say.

The British study also said that rhinovirus, the most common cause of the common cold, was “extremely transmissible”. This common infection could have an impact on the pregnancy of Covid-19, according to the conclusion of the study made by the British.

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