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Theia’s Ancient Planet Theory Is Under Earth


Many scientists agree that the Moon was formed when a protoplanet, called Theia, hit Earth which is still in its early stages of formation, at about 4.5 billion years ago. Now a team of scientists put forward a new theory, that Theia’s remains can still be found under Earth.

The material that was once a Planet Theia may be found in rock layers buried deep in the Earth’s mantle. Why is that?

Quoted detikINET from Science Mag, seismologists have long been confused by the presence of two large mass of mysterious rock masses beneath the Earth’s surface. One under Africa and one under the Pacific Ocean. They are called large low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVPs).

The blob is considered an anomaly, with a height of up to a thousand kilometers and wider than that, and close to the core of the Earth. “They are the biggest thing in the coat Earth, “said Qian Yuan, a Ph.D student at Arizona State University who participated in this research.

The material is also denser and chemically different from the surrounding rock. Then came the theory that the blob was not originally from this planet. Moreover, the chemicals associated with the clot are probably as old as Planet Theia.

The layer of Planet Theia itself is thought to be denser than Earth, so it could have accumulated near the Earth’s core after the collision occurred. “This causes Theia’s mantle material to sink into the Earth’s lower mantle and accumulate,” Qian said.

The theory, which is called crazy enough, cannot be proven because it is very difficult to examine in basic detail Earth. However, according to Qian, the possibility that the theory is correct cannot be ruled out.

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(fyk / rns)

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