Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 6:27 a.m.
Vincent Bours is professor of human genetics and head of the famous coronavirus analysis laboratory at the University of Liège. And last January, alongside the British, Brazilian and South African, they managed to identify a new variant.
To whom do we owe this discovery?
It was identified by one of our researchers, Keith Durvin. By carrying out new sequencing, he had his attention drawn to him because he presented a mutation never observed until now. Namely, instead of having a decrease in the amount of information, like the three previous variants that are regularly cited, the one presented more.
How is this a problem?
So far, it is not. There are plenty of other variants of the famous Sars-Cov-2 which are not at all dangerous. But we are only at the very beginning of its study. Since January, we have only analyzed a hundred cases. We would need thousands of them to be able to say more.
►► Is he more virulent? Why did it appear in Belgium? Here is everything you need to know about this new variant.
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