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The core size of Mars was determined

Studying seismic data collected by the U.S. Space Agency’s (NASA) Insight marsh, an international research team calculated the size of Mars ’core.

So far, only the nuclei of the Earth and the Moon have been measured

The research group has a virtual week this week52. Moon and Planetary Science Conference n presents its results. However, Simon Stahler, a member of the group, made the presentation available to those interested. The research results will be published in a scientific journal in the near future – read the Phys.org scientific news portal.

InSight’s research unit on the surface of Mars with the robot moleSource: NASA / JPL-CALTECH

So far, only the nuclei of the Earth and the Moon have been measured. For such measurements, researchers use seismic data from sensors,

which sense the rumbles caused by earthquakes.

In 2018, NASA launched the InSight mission, whose landing unit successfully landed on the surface of Mars. The main task of the spacecraft is to collect data that will allow experts to better understand the internal structure of the celestial body.

For the first time, we were able to measure the size of the core of the planet MarsForrás: Science Photo Library/SEBASTIAN KAULITZKI/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY/Sebastian Kaulitzki/Science Phot

One of InSight’s instruments is a French seismometer that first detected a weak but clearly perceptible earthquake on Mars on April 6, 2019. So far, the sensors on board have recorded seismic data for about 500 earthquakes.

There is also seismic activity on Mars that was used for the measurement

The researchers ’analyzes revealed that most earthquakes are very small compared to earthquakes, although 50 of them were between 2 and 4 in magnitude, strong enough to be used to measure the interior of the planet.

An ice cap on the north pole of Mars. Martian earthquakes are much weaker than earthquakesSource: NASA / JPL

The use of seismic data to measure the interior of a celestial body requires many measurements.

Sensors can tell you where such waves begin and end, revealing how long it takes for a wave to pass through a particular part of the planet. This makes it possible to determine its density.

Dust storm on Mars (Fantasy image)Source: Outer Places

Using these data, the researchers were able to measure the depth of the boundary between the mantle and the core in many places,

which allowed the size of the core to be calculated,

which has a radius of between 1810 and 1860 kilometers, it is about half of the Earth’s core.

(Source: MTI)

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