Home » Business » Entries now also possible for companies – KI.NRW

Entries now also possible for companies – KI.NRW

In March 2021, we added another feature to our AI map aimed at economic players in North Rhine-Westphalia. With immediate effect, all companies that offer AI services – i.e. services, software or hardware – can have themselves entered on the KI.NRW AI map.

In March 2020 we published an AI map on our website to provide a comprehensive overview of NRW as an AI location. The AI ​​map lists AI experts from business, science and research and currently has around 300 entries. To make it as easy to use as possible, the map has been equipped with a detailed filter function that navigates through the various levels of the map. All results are visualized as place markers on the map and also shown in a list.

Under the topic of “economy” we now also list “companies offering” that have specific AI offers in their portfolio. Such AI offers can be: consulting, development, software, software-as-a-service, hardware, intelligent devices or qualifications. Companies in this category deal, for example, with the intelligent optimization of injection molding processes in the automotive industry, voice-controlled assistance systems for intensive care medicine, advice in the areas of data science, analytics and IT strategy or reinforcement learning to improve classic control and regulation processes.

This makes the KI map the only directory in North Rhine-Westphalia that maintains and continuously updates companies with such a profile. Registration is free of charge for companies.

Find out how you as a company can contribute an entry for the AI ​​map here.

The integration of the »offering companies« is the second major update of the AI ​​map. With our first update in 2020, we have integrated courses in North Rhine-Westphalia (FH / Universität) on the subject of AI into the map, sorted by focus, subject area, degree (BA / MA), region and start of studies (SS / WS).

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