Arrived last summer from Vignoc, Stéphane Lepaisant and Chartres de Bretagne end the collaboration!
Arrived to succeed Yannis Le Dorse at the head of the team promoted to R1, Stéphane Lepaisant sees his adventure cut short at Esperance Chartres de Bretagne. By mutual agreement, the two parties decided to end their collaboration, as Frédéric Annin (Ouest-France) relates. Arrived last summer from Vignoc-Hédé-Guipel, the 48-year-old coach had nevertheless started well at the head of this new project since the Chartres were in 4th place in the standings before the end of the championships. With a solid experience and while the season should not resume, nothing says that Stéphane Lepaisant does not bounce back in a new challenge!
Crédit photo : ESP Chartres