Political scientist Schwanholz: Allow mistakes
So have the federal and state governments failed several times in the pandemic? “Of course, you can string together a variety of examples that went bad or wrong“, says political scientist Julia Schwanholz from the University of Duisburg-Essen to the WDR.
But: politics is “a system of search“, so Schwanholz.”This includes allowing mistakes to be made.“Due to a lack of expert knowledge, one could often not have made much smarter decisions anyway.”Ultimately, it is important that there are learning processes.“
It is problematic if you don’t learn from mistakes – or if you don’t want to learn with a view to elections and other reasons, says Schwanholz. Ultimately, that shakes confidence in politics.
At Lockdown-Loosening from mistakes not learned?
As a possible example, she cites the current easing of the Lockdowns. “They come at a time when you have an incidence, at another time Lockdown has issued.”
Medical expert Hallek also criticizes the easing – and does not just refer to it as a political error. The premature end of the Lockdowns in combination with the many sick and dead as well as the damage to the economy is “the greatest failure in this federal republic’s pandemic management“.