They are women, urban artists, talented … and during March 6 and 7, they will prepare a mural at Hacienda de Otates on the occasion of International Women’s Day, which is commemorated on March 8. The event starts as an initiative of the Municipal Institute of Youth.

During Sunday, the residents of Hacienda de Otates will be able to see the artists in full creative work, embodying emblematic women in art, science and society, on the walls of their neighborhood. Regarding this event, the Youth Institute reported that the event is held every year, because in León and Mexico there is a lot of urban talent and it must be exploited.

The artists are 13: nine locals and 4 foreigners. Of the second, one comes from Pachuca, another from Poza Rica, another from CDMX and another of them resides in León but is Cuban. What is intended is to bring them all together and that they are only women. The objective is to promote and visualize talent, as well as for the girls to strengthen friendships and skills.

Each year a particular theme is handled, and this 2021 will be “Women who have made history or who are inspiration”, along 100 square meters. The neighbors, for their part, have been delighted by the production of the murals. Well-made art changes the perspective of the settlers. That is the bet of the Youth Institute. According to Misraim Macías, director of the institute, the same citizens take care of and appropriate the mural where these works have been created.


One of the thirteen urban artists is Casandra, who is 20 years old and dedicates herself to muralism with digital illustration. He started at the age of 17, and wanted to try street art, which so far has worked for him successfully.

“León’s perspective on urban art has changed. People appreciate it more, and see it better. Regarding whether there is machismo in the world of urban art, there is still to some extent, because the number of men is always more than the number of women. Being an urban artist in León is a challenge, one of many is the professional question, which is well fought. The theme of my mural is the medical team in these times of the pandemic, ”says Casandra.

Another case is that of Jaqueline, from Pachuca, who has adopted the stage name “Hera”, the Greek deity. She is a pioneer of graffiti in her state, and is also a graphic designer with a degree. Although the pandemic has brought him difficulties, he continues to dedicate himself to design projects. This is his third year in León.

“I really enjoy coming to León, the people are very warm. On whether there is misogyny in the world of urban art, I have met all kinds of people over the past 14 years, and I think it is more a question of good or bad vibes. It is not a gender issue, there are people with a cool vibe and no. I recommend girls not to be afraid of being a woman, because there are times when society limits you. Between all of us, we are currently creating a very cool community ”.

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