Customers are also allowed to go back to shops to enter by appointment. Two customers may be present per floor. Young people up to the age of 27 are allowed to exercise again within their own club and only as a team. Competitions do not resume. Gyms still remain closed.
Curfew will remain in effect until March 15. A new decision will follow on 8 March on how to proceed.
Driving school owners
Driving school owners will start giving driving lessons and conducting practical exams again on Wednesday, after the outgoing cabinet announced relaxation of the corona measures last week. About 5,500 practical exams are scheduled this week, but the Central Bureau for Driving Licenses (CBR) expects that many candidates will postpone their car exam because they have not been able to take lessons since December.
The CBR has made it possible that candidates with a reservation between March 3 and April 2 can reschedule the exam. They are given priority over candidates who have not yet booked an exam. The CBR will keep places available for this up to and including May. Candidates and trainers have been informed about this.
The approximately 5,500 practical exams also include motorcycle and moped exams. These candidates have been able to practice recently, because the restrictions did not apply to them.
The total number of postponed theoretical and practical exams has risen to more than 600,000. New candidates who have not yet booked an exam must take into account a waiting time of twenty weeks to six months. This applies in particular to the practical exams for car, motorcycle, moped and car with trailer.
Osteopaths, chiropractors
Osteopaths, chiropractors and acupuncturists are relieved to get back to work on Wednesday, after being closed for two and a half months. “It shouldn’t have taken much longer for a large group, then the plug could have been pulled,” says Mendel Blokland, chairman of the Dutch Association for Osteopathy (NVO). “We hope that we can now continue to work carefree.”
Although Blokland is happy with the relaxation, he does not understand that alternative healers fall under contact professions and not under care professions. “We can open again because hairdressers are allowed to open. We do not feel we have been placed in the right category. We have been agitating against that for months, ”said the chairman.
Practices of alternative practitioners received no exception from the cabinet from the ban on opening during the lockdown. An exception to this prohibition does apply to healthcare professions. Branch organizations of alternative practitioners strongly oppose this. They called the measure irresponsible because patients are not getting the right help.
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